Integrate the SkillsUSA Framework
Get the Support You Need
Develop America’s Future Workforce
Integrate the SkillsUSA Framework
Get the Support You Need
Develop America’s Future Workforce

We Help You Prepare Students to be World-Class Champions at Work
Through our partnership with educators like you, we help you connect what you are teaching in the classroom to the needs of industry. Through industry-recognized apprenticeships (IRAPs), we help your 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students gain the experience necessary to fill the demands of industry.
Through our unique SkillsUSA Framework, Alabama SkillsUSA helps you prepare students to achieve the career success and economic security they deserve. The SkillsUSA Framework empowers members to become world-class workers, leaders, and responsible citizens by specifically targeting three essential components of workforce development: personal skills, workplace skills, and technical skills grounded in academics. It gives you, as an educator, a common language for students to articulate what they gain from SkillsUSA participation to employers, administrators, parents, and other students. More so, it gives you an industry-approved way to assess student skill development and your CTE programs.
Ready to get involved? Connect with our state staff and we’ll help you start a chapter at your school.
Alabama SkillsUSA is here to help every step of the way.
Have Questions About Membership?
We’re Here to Help!
SkillsUSA National Membership Hotline: 844-875-4557