SkillsUSA prepares students for emerging careers in STEM. Students learn to plan, manage, and provide scientific research and professional and technical services (e.g., physical science, social science, engineering) including laboratory and testing services, and research and development services.
STEM Jobs In Reach
Most STEM outreach focuses on research and development, but 50% of available STEM careers will not require a Bachelor’s degree. A significant number of people could pursue STEM careers, but they do not know about the expansive breadth of available STEM jobs.
STEM Job Openings by Entry Education Level
- 27.4% High School Diploma or Equivalent
- 11.1% Postsecondary Training (non-degree)
- 6.6% Associates Degree
- 47.2% Bachelor’s Degree
- 2.8% Master’s Degree
- 3.6% Doctoral or Professional Degree
As many industrial sectors incorporate technology to better compete in a global economy, more and more STEM jobs will become available, and it is imperative people prepare to fill those positions.

-Nichelle Nichols
Alabama SkillsUSA serves the STEM industry by preparing students with real-world experiences the SkillsUSA Championships. The SkillsUSA Championships are competitive events showcasing the skills of the top students in the state. These Championships allow students to showcase their skills, get feedback from industry leaders, and be rewarded for excellence.